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Go Robotics (GR)

Age Group:- 6 to 10 years

Duration:- 20+ hrs

STEM education Model is implemented in Robotics education at Academy of Robotics

S = Science        

T = Technology 

E = Engineering

M= Mathematics

The Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education Coalition works to support STEM programs for teachers and students at the U. S. Department of Education, the National Science Foundation, and other agencies that offer STEM related programs.

Robots can capture a child’s imagination like no other tool by creating a fun, physical learning process. With robots, kids learn programming via interactive play by moving a robot in various sequences and using intuitive, visual programming on a computer screen. The children also learn STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) by making one themselves.


Furthermore, by interacting with robots, kids learn a component of programming known as computational thinking. This programming may be visual at first but over time it transitions to the kind of character-based coding that enables machines to execute more complex missions.

Every Child has a Dormant Scientist inside. Its our responsibility as a Parent to identify it and give it an Identity! It is imperative to awaken the dormant faculties of the child and give their skills and talent a space, an opportunity & a playground to grow! Academy of Robotics  provides platform with many tailor made modules to suit every child to develop abilities in various Sciences. Not Just Robotics !

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