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Scientist Robotica (SR)

Age Group:- 9 to 15 years

Duration:- 40+ hrs

Robotics in schools can help these students turn their frustration into creativity and innovation. This is a valuable life lesson that teaches our students perseverance and determination when faced with challenges. Students learning robotics are able to channel their frustration into trying harder and aiming higher It’s no secret that jobs in the STEM field are the fastest growing careers, and are projected to grow another 20 percent in the next decade.

Their Brains are the most active receptors of what ever we give them. So, think twice before giving anything. Give nothing but the best. You will find all that is required in this Section.


Do you want something more? After Go Robotics, this will give you much deeper look at Robotics. You will satisfy your Hunger for Robotics much more than the 18 hr Go Robotics Program. You will love yourself for doing many more and wonderful Robots down the Line. Don't ever miss it. This is once for a Life time!  A Childhood crossed is never returned!

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